Join Virgin Media’s Free Backing Business Community

Debbie Behan, Business Products, Inside Sales and Marketing Manager, Virgin Media Business

At Virgin Media Business we put you and your business first. That’s why we’re proud to be #backingbusiness.

Our Backing Business Community is open to all small businesses, providing business owners and their employees with resources and insights on small business topics, such as cashflow management and how to use social media for your business.

What can I expect when I sign up?

All our Backing Business Community members have access to free webinars, free in person networking events, free industry expert advice and access to free exposure for their business through print materials. Did we mention it’s all free? And that’s not all, some Backing Business Community members, that are also Virgin Media customers, could even have the opportunity to feature on TV, simply because we want to support your business in as many ways as we can!

Along with amazing promotional opportunities for your business, we also want to give you a voice so that you can have your say. We will regularly ask Backing Business Community members to share their opinion on what topic they’d like to learn more about or if there are certain areas they find challenging. We will take all suggestions on board and tailor upcoming events to suit what Backing Business Community members are asking for. Our Backing Business Community offers small businesses invaluable resources and opportunities, from expert advice and networking events to potential TV features, all for free. Member’s feedback is invaluable in shaping our future events to better address small business needs and challenges.

Along with support and advice for small businesses, Virgin Media Business can provide you with services to help your business succeed. With additional discounts to community members for services such as business broadband, business mobile and business TV, Virgin Media Business can help you connect with your customers, partners and suppliers while also keeping your guests entertained. It’s crucial to have a reliable service provider that can deliver the right products, the right support and give you confidence when it comes to ensuring your business success.

To join the Backing Business Community, go to