Fowl Emissions


Luke Holland Climate Denial John Fagan Wolf Europe David Quinn Duncan Stewart Data Centre Carbon Emissions Conor Skehan Chris Hazzard

Fowl Emissions

IN A shocking epiphany, Iona Institute director and media commentator David Quinn has finally admitted the climate change is… real. “I think a lot of it is caused by us”. This breakthrough comes after years of mockery and denial by Quinn in assorted newspaper columns.

In this week’s Sunday Indo, the intrepid Quinn queried Met Éireann on how much of the 0.7ºC rise in Ireland’s average temperature was human-induced and how much was due to natural variability. “They said they could not.” To David Quinn, this was apparently some kind of gotcha moment. While his grudging acceptance of the reality of climate change may be new, there is certainly no change in his obsessive criticisms of Swedish climate campaigner, Greta Thunberg, or his boring and repetitive whataboutery that continues to argue in favour of inaction, even as the world burns.

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