Dublin Port Company Announces Update on 3fm Project

In early May, Dublin Port Company (DPC) provided an update on its 3FM Project, reflecting changes resulting from extensive consultations and consideration of alternative options, as mandated by the planning process. The proposed modifications aim to enhance public realm allocation, optimise the location of lands for the district heating scheme, and address concerns regarding visual and noise impacts.

The 3FM Project focuses on expanding port capacity for unitised cargo on port-owned lands on the Poolbeg Peninsula. It includes constructing a new bridge across the River Liffey as part of the Southern Port Access Route (SPAR), along with establishing a Maritime Village and improving public and community amenities, including 5.5km of cycle and pedestrian routes across the peninsula.

Area O, initially earmarked for a Lo-Lo container storage facility, will now be repurposed. Following feedback and a thorough review, it will serve as a Roll-On Roll-Off (RoRo) unaccompanied freight terminal, with Area L designated for the container storage facility. Additionally, a portion of Area O will be allocated to Dublin City Council for a District Heating Energy Centre, while another part will contribute to expanding the Irishtown Nature Reserve.

Consequently, a new wildflower meadow will be established, totalling 12.9 acres of Dublin Port Lands allocated to public amenities and biodiversity. These adjustments adhere to the appropriate zoning under the Poolbeg West SDZ, with DPC funding provided to facilitate active travel routes around the Nature Reserve managed by Dublin City Council.

Regarding the New Maritime Village, DPC reports consensus on its design, promising modern facilities and improved waterside access for various maritime interest groups, enhancing community resources.

The 3FM Project also entails constructing a new bridge across the River Liffey to divert port and commercial traffic from surrounding roads. Additionally, 3.7 acres will be allocated to Codling Wind Park for on-shoring offshore renewable energy, while discussions with Irish Rail continue to progress for rail freight access to all port terminals, facilitated by the SPAR.

DPC’s updates reflect a holistic approach to port development, considering environmental and community concerns while enhancing infrastructure and access.

Barry O’Connell, Chief Executive, Dublin Port Company, commented on the update: “Large infrastructure projects such as 3FM are complex and challenging and the consultation process is essential in order to achieve the right balance between the interests of the many stakeholders they impact. I believe our revised plans do just that and I want to sincerely thank all of those who contributed to the process.

“All stakeholders will have an opportunity to review the updated proposal in full, and make their views known to An Bord Pleanála as part of the statutory public consultation process when the application is lodged. We wanted to share this important update ahead of submitting our application this summer.”

View the May 2024 3FM project update here